Summer Reading

Summer Reading 2024
Step 1: Register at the library.
Step 2: Enjoy all of the stories you can.
Step 3: Tally the minutes you read.
Step 4: Tell us about your favorite ones!

Check-in with us every two weeks to earn a Brag Tag - 4 unique designs - collect them all!

Program participation will earn you another small prize - each theme has a different gift.
Step 1: Register at the library.
Step 2: Enjoy all of the stories you can.
Step 3: Tally the minutes you read.
Step 4: Tell us about your favorite ones!

Check-in with us every two weeks to earn a Brag Tag – 4 unique designs – collect them all!
Program participation will earn you another small prize – each theme has a different gift.

Prefer our online program?
Read and record your books using the ReadSquared app to earn badges and a few prizes as well. Programming for all ages – check it out!

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